The cow base will be the same that has been responsible for bull sales in the past. Rousey SimAngus has simply leased Loren’s cows and combined them with the cowherd he has been building over the past 20 years. Rousey SimAngus, LLC will continue to offer both red and black bulls on the second Saturday in February with our 2025 sale taking place on February 8th. Honesty, Integrity, and Customer Service will remain a staple of our program.

Functionality, and
These three words represent the objectives and core values of the Rousey SimAngus breeding program. While each has a different meaning they all three are very cohesive in nature and blend themselves to produce real world, problem free, no-nonsense cattle that are productive and profitable through all sectors of the beef industry.
Berger's Herdmasters
has transitioned to
Rousey SimAngus
Family Owned, Family Run
Tyrell Rousey, along with his wife, Deandra own and operate Rousey SimAngus. Their son, Aiden can be seen figuring out how the trucks and tractors run, and their daughter Tinley is out petting every animal possible.